Hi, I’m Lisa Finger
I’m a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist and I Provide
Virtual Nutrition Counseling to Women
Let me help you make that health change!
Services I Provide:
Weight Loss
Weight Maintenance
Nutrition for Recreational
Heart Health
High Cholesterol
Plant Strong
Vegan Nutrition
Women’s Health
Gut Health
Improved Digestion
1 on 1
Nutrition Counseling
Are you ready to take control of your health? Do you want to have more energy and feel better? Or maybe you want to improve your lab results?
I will listen to your needs and concerns, review your food logs, sleep, stress, and exercise schedule, and together, we will devise a plan that will help you reach your health and wellness goals. Recommended meal options will always include whole fresh foods as close to their natural state as possible.
Together we will find solutions to help overcome challenges and barriers. We will focus on sustainable long-term solutions, not quick fixes or meal replacements.
How It Works:
Schedule your free 15-minute discovery call.
We will discuss your concerns and goals and I will address any questions you have.
You will have your first comprehensive appointment with me. You will receive some forms to fill out. We will talk about your health and nutrition history and create smart nutrition goals.
And more …
You will have continued support and follow-up appointments to help you attain your health goals.
My Blog
Easy Cultured Cashew Cheese Made with Four Ingredients
It's so easy to make your own cashew cheese, that there is no need to pay for the overpriced cashew cheese found in the grocery store. Once you have made this recipe, you may want to explore other flavor combinations, such as roasted bell pepper, paprika, cilantro or...
Easy Creamy Carrot Ginger Soup
My daughter started cooking and baking during the pandemic. She mostly baked chocolate chip cookies but one day she made us this amazing soup. She was 7 years old at the time and it was so good we've been making it ever since. It's delicious, healthy and a good use of...
Easy Homemade Pickled Jalapenos
I didn't realize how much I liked pickled jalapenos until I started making my own. They are so good on sandwiches, on tacos, on pizza even as a garnish on top of hummus. I wouldn't bother buying them in a can, because they are so easy to make at home. I use 3/4 cup...
Virtual in Georgia