Two Strategies to Prevent Holiday Weight Gain

by | Dec 20, 2011 | Blog, Healthy Eating, Nutrition

Did you know that half of peoples’ yearly weight gain happens between mid-November and early January? But don’t despair! There is hope! You can still enjoy your Thanksgiving meal without feeling guilty, but it’s important you have a plan. Here are two strategies than can prevent you from going overboard: Strategy #1.  Slim down your holiday favorites. If you’re cooking this holiday season, then you’re in control of your waistline. •    Instead of green bean casserole, try fresh, steamed green beans sautéed in olive oil and garlic. •    Instead of mashed potatoes with butter and cream, use skim milk, roasted garlic and herbs to flavor your mash. •    Lighten up your stuffing by using low-sodium chicken broth instead of butter, and pack it with plenty of veggies such as carrots, celery and mushrooms.  Serve in muffin tins for instant portion control. •    Instead of disguising the sweet potatoes in a casserole with butter and marshmallows, bake the sweet potatoes in the oven and sprinkle with cinnamon and walnuts. Now you can allow yourself a slice of pie without having to worry about your pants not fitting the next day! Strategy #2.  Make the holiday meal your “splurge” meal and be extra vigilant about what you eat at the other meals. This strategy works best for those who can’t enjoy this day without having the traditional foods.  Be aware, a Thanksgiving meal can weigh in at 4500 calories plus 230 grams of fat! •    Eat a healthy low calorie breakfast such as a bowl of oatmeal or a fruit smoothie. •    Take a brisk 30 minute walk. •    Have a light lunch. •    Chew gum and drink plenty of water to keep yourself from grazing and picking on food. •    Enjoy your holiday meal, focus on your favorites, and take smaller portions of the foods you don’t like as much. •    Invite everyone for an after dinner walk. Happy Holidays Everyone!