Olive BreadIf you liked the No Knead Bread I made in one of my videos, you will love this Olive Bread. It’s just as easy as the original bread recipe but filled with delicious black oil-cured olives.

Because of the high salt content of the olives you can omit the additional salt in the dough.


3 cups bread flour

1 1/2 cups oil cured black olives

3/4 tsp yeast

1 1/2 cup water


1.  In a large bowl add flour, yeast and olives.  Add water and stir with a wooden spoon until all of the flour is hydrated.  Dough will be sticky and shaggy.  Cover with saran wrap and let rest at room temperature (70 degrees) for about 12 -18 hrs.

2. Dough will be dotted with bubbles.  Flour work surface and pour dough on it, sprinkle flour onto dough and fold it over on itself once or twice.  Cover with saran wrap and let rest for 15 minutes.

3.  Use more flour to prevent dough from sticking to hands and shape dough into a ball.

4.  Coat a cotton towel with a generous amount of flour, wheat bran or cornmeal and place dough seem side down on towel.  Sprinkle more flour on top, cover with towel and let rise another 2 hours. After one hour, place a 6-8 quart cast iron, enamel, pyrex or ceramic covered pot in oven and preheat to 450 degrees F.

5.  When dough is ready, dough will be more than double in size, slide your hand under the towel and turn dough over into pot, seam side up.  It’s ok it it looks messy, just shake pan once or twice to distribute dough evenly in pan.  Cover with lid and bake 30 minutes.  Remove lid and bake another 15-30 minutes until bread has a nice brown color.  Let cool and enjoy!