How to Lose Belly Fat in Women

by | May 31, 2023 | Blog

How to Lose Belly Fat in Women

by | May 31, 2023 | Blog

Summer is at our doorstep.  With the warmer weather comes the pool, beach, and swimsuit season.  For many of us, getting into a swimsuit can evoke a variety of feelings from anxiety to distress.   Before you anxiously search the internet for quick tips to lose belly fat, make healthy changes that last longer than a swimsuit season.

You can’t spot reduce belly fat! But, if you lose weight overall you will also lose belly fat.  A lean waist is important for more than just looking good in your swimsuit. Abdominal fat, also called visceral fat, surrounds all your vital organs and is metabolically active, releasing inflammatory agents, fatty acids, and hormones.  This activity can lead to higher cholesterol, triglycerides, blood glucose, and blood pressure.  To reduce risk, women should strive for a waist circumference of less than 35 inches.

So, it pays to reduce belly fat.  And contrary to what you may find on the internet, there are no quick fixes. If a leaner, healthier you is your goal, here are my five most important tips.


Four Strategies to Lose Belly Fat


Eat less Sugar

It may not come as a surprise to you that eating less sugar leads to weight loss.  However, you may be surprised to find out which foods are high in sugar.  For instance, granola bars, flavored yogurt, instant oatmeal, pasta sauces, salad dressing, breakfast cereal, energy drinks, and bottled teas are all high in sugar.   Next time you go grocery shopping, make sure you read the nutrition label.  The American Heart Association recommends no more than six teaspoons of added sugar a day or 25 grams. Also, watch what you drink.  Sugar-sweetened beverages have been found to increase belly fat. Replace sodas with water or, if you like fizzy drinks, sparkling water.


Eat More Protein

Protein helps you feel full for longer, builds and repairs muscle,  supports healthy immune function, and boosts your metabolism (among other things.)  Most people get enough protein for the day, but just not at the right times.  Most peoples’ breakfasts and lunches usually contain little to no protein. Protein is best used by the body when it’s distributed by 20-30 grams per meal throughout the day.  You also need to drink more water to help digest the protein when you increase your protein.

Good Sources of Protein


Greek yogurt

Cottage cheese


Lunch & Dinner




Beans and Legumes



Get More Sleep

When we get busy, sleep is always the first thing to go.  You may think that you can get by on just 4 hours of sleep a night without consequences, but studies have found otherwise. Research shows that adults that are sleep deprived eat more calories and crave more high-calorie foods. Insufficient sleep also leads to more visceral fat, which is found between your organs and causes chronic disease.

Have a Sleep Routine

1. Wake up and go to bed at the same time

2. Don’t look at any screens in bed

3. Keep the bedroom cool

4.  Drink less alcohol

5. Don’t have caffeine late in the day

6. Get exercise during the day

Vary your Exercise


Mix up your exercise routine.  Most people do some type of cardio when they want to get healthier and/or lose weight.  This approach works at first, but once your body has acclimated to the routine, your exercise regimen will burn fewer calories. Instead of going for your usual cardio run or walk, add strength training or High-Intensity Interval Training, or HIIT training to your regular workouts.  Strength training will help build and preserve muscle mass. In addition, muscle has a post-burn effect, which means you burn calories even after you have finished working out.


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