Homemade Greek Yogurt

by | May 4, 2011 | Recipes, Sides, Dips, Spreads, Vegetarian Recipes | 0 comments

Yogurt straining through a papertowel

Yogurt is a great source of protein and is so easy to make.  When I went to India a few years ago, yogurt is made fresh daily.  I’m taking it a step further and making a thick Greek-style yogurt but if you prefer regular yogurt you can stop at step 4.


1 quart milk (you can use skim or 2 %)

2 Tbsp Yogurt


1.  Pour milk into saucepan and heat until boiling.

2.  Turn off heat and let cool until it reaches 110 degrees F or if you stick your pinky finger in the milk it should be comfortably warm.

3.  Add the yogurt and stir.

4.  Cover with a clean dish cloth and let sit in a warm place overnight or until it’s set. In the winter it may take longer.

5.  Line a colander with a cheesecloth and pour yogurt in.  Let drain for about 4 hours.  Enjoy in smoothies or make Tsatsiki.